This server has been monitored since 1 year ago with uptime of 99.05%
Detected language of this server is Japanese
This server uses a CDN to block its actual location, you should investigate where the actual server is located before using
Server last checked 3 minutes ago
This server is not accepting new usersThis website using a GreenHost
https://ronin.hostdon.ne.jp/ を引き継ぐ形で設立したfirefishサーバーです 現状、ほぼ身内用として運用しています
This server fish.otagao.net runs firefish software, version server has been monitored since 1 year ago with uptime of 99.05%
Detected language of this server is Japanese
This server uses a CDN to block its actual location, you should investigate where the actual server is located before using
Server last checked 3 minutes ago
This server is not accepting new usersThis website using a GreenHost
Uptime & Speed
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Sending Graphiql API to https://api.fediverse.observer
Sending Graphiql API to https://api.fediverse.observer